You’d be surprised that Bourbon has health benefits. Bourbon goes much further than its physical characteristics. They way it interact with our bodies causes an increase in longevity. After checking out this list, you just might make bourbon of choice of drink among all spirits! All in moderation, of course!
Bourbon Makes You Sexy
Bourbon helps improve your skin and hair. Surprisingly, whiskey can be used to tighten pores, exfoliate the skin. It can also stimulate scalp circulation to support hair regrowth! Furthermore, out of all spirits, bourbon has lower calories and supports you weight loss efforts.
Bourbon Helps the Mind
A 2003 study indicated that adults who consumed one to six alcoholic beverages a week had a significantly lower risk of dementia compared to those who completely abstained from alcohol. These moderate drinkers also fared better than study participants who had more than six drinks a week. So get started today on your six servings of bourbon this week and lower your risk of dementia!
Bourbon Hearts You
Bourbon lowers your risk of heart disesase, heart failure, and stroke. A study from Harvard University reports that moderate alcohol consumption is related to a 35 to 40 percent reduction in the risk of heart disease and ischemic (clot-caused) strokes. The study also proposed that moderate drinking is good for the heart and circulatory system, and are likely helpful in protecting against type 2 diabetes and gallstones.
Bourbon Reduces Cancer Risk
Unlike other spirits, bourbon is best consumed in its purest form, “Straight”. Many spirits contain additives that affect the color and taste. These additives are known to lead to cancers. As an added benefit, It has elevated levels of an antioxidant called ellagic acid, that neutralizes free-radicals. Red wine gets all the praise for ellagic acid, but bourbon contains more than wine!
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